The Lease of A Rental Propoerty in Qatar Part 1
Most lease agreements will be signed directly between the employing company and the property owner , unless you are expected to arrange your own accomodation. The lease should be in English , so insist on an English translation . Unless you are fulent in arabic don’t sign anything which is only in Arabic. if your company signs the lease it will attache a copy of its commerical registeration and a copy of the sponsor’s ID. If you sign your own contract , then you will need to attach a caopy of your ID and you sponsor’s ID.
If you are dealing with the accomodation yourself remember that your lease is an important document , and in addition to finincial terms , will state what you are liable for in terms of maintenance as well as what your landlord’s responsiblities are.Some rents might be fully inclusive of all maintenance and repairs , while you could negotiate a much cheaper rent ( particulary on older properties )if you agree to carry our any maintenance work . While not common some landlords will also include utility expenses in the rent. Therefore it is important if you will rent a home in Qatar that you read the contract and discuss any points of contention before you sign on the dotted line.
The normal notice period is two month prior to the expiry date on the contract. To renew your lease the landlord will issue a new contract to be signed and then payment will be made as agreed between both parties.